create your own fairy forest home

create your own fairy forest home

“A fairy put the snail in my boat!!!”

I have to admit, sometimes I buy things I imagine will get lots of play time and they get forgotten or overlooked in our busy lives. So every now and then I’ll see a toy, game or craft and put it on the table where it can be seen and enjoyed. 

After dropping my older two kids off at sailing school, my 4 year old jumped at the chance to take these wooden fairy doors, ladder, bridges and window outside and go wild with her imagination. I was on the hammock for at least an hour enjoying her immersed in joyful silence (and, yes, enjoying my joyful silence, too). 

NOTE TO MOMS DYING FOR AN HOUR OF SILENCE ON A HAMMOCK If your child isn’t really into fairies, get them this book, and they will be. We’d read it a few times over the weeks prior to this day, it definitely got her more excited about creating this fairy home. 

She must have spent an hour going inside and grabbing little ‘nature’ themed treasures and bringing them outside to put throughout her fairy forest home. 

She decided to leave it out overnight. (Love the bunny, below, in the ditch at left, eating weeds.) The next morning she tip toed outside when she woke up to check for fairy signs… like the little home she created would have invited fairies to come inhabit her little fairy land.

The second night while she was sleeping my 9 yr old son decided to make her a long tree ladder out of string and twigs and pretended the fairies made it. My 11 yr old daughter added her tiny glow in the dark fairies.

The entire set up stayed up for 3 days before rain came. Here’s a photo of some of the little figures she grabbed from her room to bring out for the fairy forest home. A snail climbed into her orange penguin boat which got her freaking out, ‘A fairy put the snail in my boat!!!!’. Felt gnomes and bonfire, silk fairy, mushroom looking-glass, little wooden animals, and the Om (adorable, we have many – great for gifts) at far right. Oh, and a smurf. And many others.

What prompted me to dig these out of the playroom was my 4 yr old had seen a knot hole in the tree and wondered if it was a fairy hole. So by all means you do not need these wooden accessories to help their imaginations sore. You could easily make your own doors and windows even out of wood or construction paper and tape it to the tree. (Just like my son made the tree ladder out of rope and twigs.)

I bought these wooden fairy pieces in a bundle (was cheaper) from – two fairy doors, two bridges, a ladder, & window. I didn’t see the bundle option when I went on today to get the web address. If you need to search around, the stamp on the back of the items reads ‘cheep housing’ (haha). Try searching ‘Cheep Housing Wood Fairy Door’ or along those lines if you need to.

I always buy these types of wooden toys with the intention of passing them down through the generations. They are a wonderful way to help imaginations soar. Enjoy cropped-mw_text_xo_fav.jpg