Some useful knowledge on the beloved oil of oregano; because, unfortunately, we’re not out of cold and flu season, yet. (Actually, I always find some of the nastiest viruses can hit April-June.) Yes, this remedy is gold. And yes, it’s easily abused and misused.
Oil of oregano inhibits growth of bacteria, fungus and viruses. It’s anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, has anti-oxidants and aids with digestion. It is fantastic for more then its oral uses. I’ve used it on warts and cold sores with great success (though, nothing beats Apple Cider Vinegar for those two demons!) and it can also be used to relieve muscle and joint pain, bug bites and skin conditions. However, it is best known to treat your respiratory and immune system. It should only be used for treatment purposes, not preventative heatlh.
I’ve noticed some people tend to think sky’s the limit with eastern medicine. That if it’s natural, it can’t be harmful.
I want to highlight that oil of oregano is only needed
in small doses because it is so highly concentrated
and can be harmful if you take more then you need.
The average dose for treatment is 4 drops in the morning, 4 drops at night. I like to drop them into a small mouthful of water and shoot it back. I know some that prefer to put it straight up under the tongue. Aside of preference, I’ve heard it’s recommended to dilute it with water.
A side note on your immune system to fully understand how oil of oregano can harm it if you take too much. Your immune system cells are stored in your gut. This is why, for instance, if you have to take antibiotics (which kills the bad and good bacteria in your gut) after, you should restore the good gut bacteria/flora with acidophilus. Too much of oil of oregano does something similar. It depeletes the levels of lactobacillus plantarum, a good bacteria that lives in your gut and colon, keeping your intestines and blood stream healthy. Taking too much of oil of oregano can actually work against your immune system by killing off too much of the good bacteria, espescially if taken for long periods of time (more then a few weeks) and will impede your immune system. If this happens to you, taking acidophollus (full of lactobacillus bacteria) is important to restore the good glut flora and to help boost your immune system. (Regardless if you’ve consumed too much oil of oregano or not, acidopholus is something you should consider bringing into your regular health routine as it’s beneficial for your health, powering your gut with good bacteria.) Probiotics are also found in live-bacteria-foods such as plain yogurt and fermented foods (fermentation produces probiotics) such as sauerkraut or soy products such as miso or tempeh. Liver toxicity is also possible with a build up of thymol (also found in Thyme essential oil) from oil of oregano.
Remember to not take oil of oregano prevenatitively but at first sign of a cold, which will to avoid over use. And for treatment, less is more.