MegaFood daily turmeric booster

MegaFood daily turmeric booster

I tested some @megafood boosters in a health food store a month ago and they are a fantastic, healthy option over juices or even my go-to lemon water. I put a scoop of this turmeric black cherry powder in a thermos of ice water with fresh squeezed lemon & lime juice. You can even add a splash of juice if you need a bit of sweetness. This blend contains a whole body recovery blend, rich in antioxidants and is great for rehydrating kids during hot camp days. Great for inflammation or post physical activity which helps bodies young and old more effectively repair itself (unfortunately, this is especially helpful for my 9 year old son). My kids love the taste and it’s always good to change things up (I’m not a believer in hydrating with juice or gatorade). 

Turmeric has a multitude of health benefits outside of being anti-inflammatory, such as anti-depressent and anti-aging benefits as well as fighting disease and cancer.

There are also three other blends. Go for the Daily C-Protect (which is great immune support) if you think your kids will want something sweeter.